Bob Dugard believes Eastbourne Eagles could cash in on their televised win over the champions.

Eagles' veteran co-promoter has received a bumper crop of emails since the 47-43 success at Coventry on Monday, including approaches from potential advertisers at Arlington Stadium.

Dugard, who watched the win on television, said: "I don't want to say too much yet but we have had three companies, one of them particularly large, enquiring about advertising with us.

"Let's wait and see what happens with that.

"One is a company who have been involved with us before, two are completely new to us.

"I also had about 30 emails from people saying well done'. You get spin-offs. You can't measure what they are worth but it's better to be successful than unsuccessful, that's for sure."

Dugard admits he is "devastated" Eagles cannot build on their TV win by staging a home meeting on Saturday.

Lee Richardson and, subject to a bruised hand clearing up in time, Scott Nicholls will represent Eagles in the Elite League Pairs, an event the Sussex track believe should not be staged on one of their race nights.

Dugard said: "I'm bitter about it. We contacted the BSPA the minute we got the fixtures and said it was ridiculous. Several members of the BSPA wanted to change it but the Pairs date had been announced by then."

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