by Michael Beard, Editor, The Argus EVER since we broke the story about David Gold showing an interest in investing in Albion a debate has raged on several fronts.

While some supporters identified Gold as the man with the Midas touch to take the club to the next level, others were loyal to Dick Knight, remembering only too well his battle to save the club from possible extinction.

Most of the comments made have been balanced, well-judged and informative. Others, however, have been wide of the mark, some mischief-making and a few insulting.

Mud has been slung in several direction including ours but we have stood by, believing that football is not just an emotional game but also an emotional subject and it is best to give people the opportunity to airs their views.

That is until now.

In recent days things have been said that we cannot allow to pass without comment. There have been various incorrect claims made about out story and our reason for carrying it that we could not let pass because they need to be corrected.

It is important to point out that The Argus wants Albion to be successful. That is why we supported the club its Fight for Falmer. We always have and always will be behind the club but like any supporter that does not mean we cannot moan and criticise when things are going wrong. Also, just like other fans, we will offer our advice and suggestions.

One of the most damning statements to come out of this is that our Albion reporter Andy Naylor is "stirring it up" and does not know what he writing about.

Let me make it perfectly clear that Andy knows exactly what he is talking about. His original story was not based on fiction. It was based on facts, pure facts and we stand by every word of that article.

The facts are: David Gold HAS expressed an interest in the club.

He HAS been contacted by people close to the Seagulls.

Other clubs HAVE expressed an interest in him joing them but Albion are Gold's first choice.

Gold cannot reveal any future intentions because he is still chairman of Birmingham City. A buyout of the Midlands club could be completed by November.

I have been prompted to write this by an article, written by Dick Knight that appeared on the club's website yesterday and is planned, we understand, for today's programme.

In it Knight says David Gold has "poured cold water on reports he is keen to invest in Albion."

If you read the article carefully, Gold does none of that. What he has done is confirm on the record much of our original article even down to stating that if he leaves Birmingham there are clubs he would be interested in but they would have to be in the south."

Cold water? I would call that keeping the door open!