Mushtaq Ahmed is unrepentant about playing in the Indian Cricket League - even though it has put his return to Sussex in doubt.

The Pakistan Cricket Board warned Mushtaq that they will withdraw the No Objection certificate which he needs to play county cricket after he signed up for the ICL along with 15 other Pakistan players, Mushtaq makes his competition debut for the Lahore Badshahs tomorrow (Tues) and says he has the right to decide whether he can take part or not without fear of sanction.

He said: "ICL is a professional league and players have the right to make their own choice. It's cricket after all and the tournament is only promoting the game.

"Many of the players taking part are in their twilight years and it's the best opportunity to earn some good money. I have not been in the Pakistan team for five years so joining the ICL was the obvious move for me.

"I have heard about the ban but I think the situation will improve."

The Pakistan players, who have been banned from domestic cricket, were all set to start legal proceedings in Lahore against the PCB. But it emerged today that they have delayed any action in the hope that an out-of-court settlement can be reached.

Their lawyer Ali Zafar said: "We have done our homework and once the players say go ahead' we will file the petition. But I have been told there are bright chances of reaching an out-of-court settlement so we are waiting a while."

The PCB issued Mushtaq with a No Objection certificate on February 7 but have threatened to withdraw it because they, like all governing bodies worldwide, regard the ICL as an unauthorised competition. The ECB insist that any overseas player must have a No Objection certificate to play in England this season.

Sussex chief executive Gus Mackay said: "We are working with the PCB and ECB to resolve this but it is a very frustrating situation. When Mushtaq plays today it might trigger some reaction - we will have to wait and see."

The Sussex squad report back for pre-season training tomorrow (Tues).