Albion made a small but significant change to their match build-up by playing Sussex By The Sea immediately before kick-off.

The county anthem has traditionally been played as the teams walk out, with the music being cut to allow the crowd to belt out the last few lines acapella style.

Ahead of the 0-0 draw with Ipswich, the teams walked out to Right Here Right Now by FatBoy Slim as fans spontaneously sang “Albion, Albion” at good volume.

Then came the Premier League promo tune and the reading of the line-ups.

Sussex By The Sea was delayed until the final moments before kick-off.

Matchday announcer Richard Reynolds told supporters: “It’s three o’clock, it’s Saturday, Good Old Sussex By The Sea.”

The rendition ended as the game started.

This is in line with what happens at several other clubs, most famously with You’ll Never Walk Alone at Liverpool but also at venues including West Ham, Nottingham Forest and Wolves.

Response via social media indicated the change had been met with a mixed reaction from fans.

Writing in the match programme, chief executive and deputy chairman Paul Barber had given warning of what was to happen.

He explained: “By doing this we hope that all Albion fans will join in to create a rousing rendition right before the game gets under way.

“I know Fabian (Huerzeler) was delighted with the atmosphere we created against Manchester United and we want that to continue today and right throughout the season.”