Sonny Parkinson has been around boxing all his life.

Both his dad and grandad were professionals.

But, as he stands on the brink of emulating them, he reflects that it took a while for him to get that same bug for the fight game.

The Newhaven-based super-welterweight is going through the process of turning pro and hopes to have his first fight at that level in September or October.

His dad Terry has been in his corner, literally and metaphorically all along, and Sonny now feels more ready to leave the amateur ranks.

He told The Argus: “Turning pro has always been the aim.

“I’ve been boxing for the best part of ten years.

“I’ve actually been around boxing my whole life.

“My dad sort of pushed me towards it but I resisted until I was 15 or 16.

“Then I went to City College and did an Aces course.

“I wasn’t great at school. I messed around too much.

“So I gave boxing a go and it took over my life.

“I can’t wait to go pro. It is an incredible feeling to see everything I have worked towards falling into place.”

Parkinson sees the pro ranks as a better stage for him to show what he can do.

He said: “I have boxed all over the country as an amateur and I have been blessed with how far I have got.

“I’m now tired of the amateurs. It’s such a hit and run type of game.

“I’m now 25 and I feel I’m guaranteed to do something special in the pro game.

“I could do ten rounds tomorrow.

“I will be ready for any opportunity.

“When you are in the pro game, an opportunity can come petty much at the click of a finger.

“Amateur boxing is hit and miss, run away.

“In the pros, everything is slowed down and I’m more of a boxer-puncher.

“I like to set up my shots and then land heavy.

“I’m looking forward to my time to show how good I really am.

“People look at me and say I look amazing.

“But I think I’ve only shown them 10%.”

Parkinson is keen to point out he has always looked to train like a professional around his day job.

But going pro will open other doors and he is honest and realistic in highlighting what they are.

He said: “The aim is titles and, I won’t shy away from it, money.

“To be a world titleist is the ultimate.

“But I also want financial freedom for my family.”

Richard Maynard, of Strike Sports Management, said: "I’m delighted to have signed Sonny to a managerial agreement and look forward to guiding him as he commences his professional career.

“I’ve had great feedback from the trainer Samm Mullins, who Sonny has been working with, and he is very complimentary of his talent and attitude and is optimistic that he will transition well to the professional ranks, as do I.

“Sonny is raring to get in the ring and get started and is proud to be representing Newhaven and bringing glory to the East Sussex region.”