Julio Enciso has given Albion fans something to cheer on the other side of the Atlantic.

And one aspect of the aftermath of that was all too predictable.

The Paraguay star, who seems to be shouldering his nation’s footballing hopes, scored his first goal for club or country in more than a year as they opened their Copa America campaign.

His clever far-post finish against Colombia reduced arrears but did not head off a 2-1 defeat.

Enciso had not scored since his Premier League goal of the season winner and Puskas Award contender at home to Manchester City 13 months ago.

It was not for the want of trying in his few games for club and country since returning from knee surgery.

Pleasingly, Enciso was also involved in the build-up with a one-touch lay-off before getting himself to the far post in hope of receiving some service.

It appears everyone who follows Paraguay has an opinion on Enciso – mainly supportive but some critical and wanting more from him.

And, inevitably, there was also some mention of clubs keeping an eye n him, including Chelsea.

Of course he is being monitored. That goes without saying when any young talent emerges.

He was being watched when he was at his previous club Libertad – notably by Albion.

Any such speculation will be picked up on by aggregator accounts and then quoted, re-quoted and regurgitated.

The great news for Albion is that he is out on the pitch to attract this attention.

Much of next season’s hopes for the club under Fabian Huerzeler seem to hinge on players who were out for a long period coming back to their best.

Already we see Kaoru Mitoma hard at work in Japan.

The expectation is that Jack Hinshelwood will be around for pre-season and is seems Enciso is getting back to his best.

Often scoring a goal in a defeat can be a bit of a mixed blessing.

The goal means you are put forward for media interviews but you are having to talk about a defeat.

Enciso, 20, did the pre-match press conference for this fixture, alongside head coach Daniel Garnero.

And he was also asked to speak for a nation after defeat.

The Albion man said: “It’s a tough defeat and we are all sad.

“Looking on the positive side, I’m proud of my team-mates.

“If we play like this, it is going to be very hard to beat Paraguay.

“Every team will know they will have to sweat if they want to beat us.”

He added: “We have to try to be aware defensively for the 90 minutes.

“It was an even game and we lost it on two moments.”