By Anujith Vijayakumar

Billy Gilmour was the standout performer in the limited touches he got as Scotland drew 1-1 against Switzerland in their second game of the Euros 2024.

Although, the 22-year-old was quiet during the first ten minutes of the game, Gilmour’s quick reactions and vigilance paved the way for Scotland to gain the lead in the 13th minute.

The Albion midfielder was quick to jump onto a loose ball in the defensive third of his own half following a corner kick from Switzerland.

Gilmour then proceeded to chest the ball down and lay it off to skipper Andy Robertson in a composed manner, who started the counter for the Scots.

This ultimately culminated in a first goal for Scotland, courtesy of a deflection off defender Fabian Schar from a Scott McTominay strike from inside the box.

As the game progressed towards the latter stages of the first half, Gilmour was able to get on the ball more.

However, it was the second half that saw the Albion man come more into the picture.

He was dictating the tempo of Scotland’s play when in possession, finding striker Che Adams and midfielders McTominay and John McGinn directly, in the hopes of creating chances for his side.

Defensively, Gilmour made his presence felt, nullifying the Swiss midfield from creating any goal scoring opportunities.

He was at the right place at the right time constantly, to ensure that the midfield was compact, retain the ball and intercept play.

In possession, he was actively seeking the ball, attempting to break the Swiss high press and progress play.

Gilmour’s moment of brilliance enabled Scotland to score the first goal in the European competition for the first time, since their 1-0 victory against none other than Switzerland, 28 years ago.