Worthing Thunder’s Hafeez Abdul said the team wanted to develop its “brand of basketball” in a narrow friendly victory.

The team kicked off their preparations for the regular season with an 87-84 against London Elite Select to set an example to build off come September.

Thunder’s young contingent drew praise from their confidence as they showed their skills in front of a home crowd.

Forward Abdul said: “It was about setting an example to build off. We’ve never had this long to prepare for something.”

“We want to hit a rhythm sooner and hopefully keep that going through the season. I like the way the team is trending and how we’re thinking of things going forward.”

Worthing inched out a 12-point lead in a tightly fought contest but London Elite chipped away at Thunder’s advantage to tie heading into the final minutes.

Joshua Palmer stepped up first from the perimeter to put Thunder ahead before Steven Ovia completed the pair of baskets that inched them ahead.

Abdul’s following three-point shot sealed victory as Elite couldn’t muster a response.

Thunder’s select side featured promising young talent including Malachi Boakye-Yiadom, Clay Wright, Lewis Gleason and Joey Taylor.

The quartet drew praise from experienced team-mates.

Ishmael Fontaine expressed pride in 17-year-old Taylor, saying: “He played with no fear, he defended the ball well and listened. I’m happy for all the young guys who got opportunities.”

Abdul concurred, adding: “I enjoyed sharing the experience [of playing in front of home crowd] with new players from this side of the team.”

Daniel Johnson-Thompson marvelled at their confidence, saying: “They played with a lot of confidence, which is good to see; when I was that age, I struggled to do that.”

Worthing Thunder continue their preparation for the regular season as they will once again compete in Division 1 of the National Basketball League.

The clubs star players will prepare throughout the off-season with shooting practice and weight training.

Fontaine added: “It’s very early to play basketball but enjoyable. I’m gaining momentum and getting ready to score.”

Worthing will kick off their regular season at Reading Rockets on September 16.