Albion were second best at Arsenal - but might have still grabbed a point.

We asked these long-time fans for their thoughts on the match at the Emirates.

Then we looked back to last Thursday and got some reflections on the 1-0 win over Marseille in the Europa League.

1. What were your thoughts on Albion’s performance versus Arsenal?

James Heasman: Arsenal were by far the superior team, though it is a worry that we conceded from another set-piece. Hopefully, the players are rested for Thursday and put in a better performance. Really, it is a game best forgotten.

Tim Ayling: It's hard to judge because Arsenal were very good. Let's not forget they bought a £100 million midfielder last summer to add to the team that came second last season, while we sold one and another crucial midfielder. The boys defended well, and could have somehow sneaked a point with the late miss. It would have been undeserved though.

Alan Brownings: There were three games in eight days, Marseille, Arsenal and Palace. This was the least important of all three and so, if we had to lose one, then this was it.

2. Who stood out for you from the Albion team?

James Heasman: Lewis Dunk by some distance. I find it absolutely baffling that Gareth Southgate took so long to realise how good Dunk is. He is one of the best centre backs in the premier league, and we are extremely lucky to have him from both an ability and leadership perspective.

Tim Ayling: Dunk was miles clear of the rest. Unbelievable performance really. Bart did well in goal, and really should be getting an extended run. Apart from that, there was a lot of huff and puff but we were outclassed.

Alan Brownings: Mitoma was involved in most of what we did well, but Verbruggen who kept us in it and without, it could have been several goals more.

3. Some pre-Christmas cheer – your thoughts on last Thursday’s game versus Marseille and topping the group?

James Heasman: There have already been memorable games/nights at The Amex, but this must be one of the best. The support was superb, the game was enjoyable, the goal itself was a great finish, as was the post-goal celebration and the scenes afterwards will remain in the memory for some time. I'm still smiling thinking about it. I never in my wildest dreams thought we would play in Europe let alone top our group!

Tim Aylng: That was one of the all-time great Amex moments. Pre-game I wasn't too bothered about topping the group, but when we did it it felt like a huge achievement. Great memories for everyone!

Alan Brownings: It has taken some time to come back down. What an amazing night, we kept going and kept going sneaking the goal we really deserved. The two-game break earned does us a massive favour. Onwards & upwards!