Albion were beaten by the better side as they lost 2-0 at Arsenal.

The shining lights from the Seagulls came, perhaps inevitably, from the players most directly in the firing line, specifically the centre-back and the goalkeeper.

There was no lack of effort from the visitors and lower marks elsewhere were as much as a result of circumstance – and the fact they were up against a superior team on the day.

Bart Verbruggen 8/10

An excellent game other than on the first goal and in conceding the corner which led to it. Calm and reassuring and made some good saves, the best of them one-handed from an Odegaard blast.

Joel Veltman 6/10

Was helping Albion cling to parity when injury struck. That moment feels more worrying than the result.

Jan Paul van Hecke 8/10

Unfortunate on the opening goal which followed his last-ditch challenge. Was beaten on occasions on-on-one but the main repellent of Arsenal in the first half.

Lewis Dunk 9/10

A huge performance. Stood firm with van Hecke and put his body on the line as a barrier to Arsenal’s frequent attacks. Saved a goal with a clearance from almost under the bar and his passing was good.

James Milner 5/10

Given a tough role and struggled to contain Saka while also below par in possession.

Billy Gilmour 6/10

Some hard work and chasing but Albion never got their build-up play going.

Pascal Gross 6/10

Fleeting chances to create. Poked the best chance wide after good movement and whipped in a cross with which Hinshelwood could not make telling connection.

Simon Adingra 5/10

Threatened to get into dangerous areas but ultimately offered no real threat other than a poor cross which Raya fumbled.

Adam Lallana 5/10

Played for longer than has been the case and put himself about in competitive fashion but did not cause Arsenal any alarms.

Kaoru Mitoma 7/10

While often snuffed out, his acceleration and positivity led directly to his team’s best chance and Arsenal’s only yellow card. Was aware of his defensive tasks.

Evan Ferguson 6/10

A hard one to judge but struggled to hold on to possession in tough circumstances.

Subs - Jack Hinshelwood 6/10

Was quickly being caused problems at right-back after replacing Veltman but got into a couple of great positions in the quest for an equaliser.

Joao Pedro 7/10

Made just a bit more happen than had been the case and unlocked Arsenal for the Gross chance.

Facundo Buonanotte 6/10

Didn’t really make a difference after going in a triple change.

Igor 6/10

Relieved Milner at left-back.

Danny Welbeck N/A

Good to see him back.