Crawley manager Steve Evans has dismissed suggestions he is involved in the club takeover but admits he did persuade investors to join the consortium.

Speculation has linked Evans to the Lincolnshire-based company Prospect Estates Holdings Limited who bought Reds this week along with former owner John Duly.

Local hairdresser Phil Jarman and businessman Tom Scott have been named as part of the consortium but Crawley are yet to reveal the identities of the other investors.

The company was only officially registered on Tuesday and shares its address with Boston United Football Club Business Promotions Limited.

Evans had two spells over nine-years in charge of Boston United, where he was strongly rumoured to be involved in the running of the club along with money-men Jon Sotnick, Jim Rodwell and Michael Chinn.

Evans said: "It is suggested because the newly formed company, who only have a portion of the ownership, was formed by an accountants in Boston, Lincolnshire.

"I can understand where people are coming from but it's no one who has been involved at Boston. It's no Sotnick, it's no Chin, it's no Rodwell, it's nothing to do with the company who owned Boston.

"But people can jump to whatever conclusions they want, I've been used to that in the last five or six years.

"I'm not involved. People don't believe me when I keep saying I've got no money to be involved. But at the end of the day I have helped convince some people to join the consortium. They have asked me my opinion and I believe Crawley is a great opportunity.

"Between Brighton and Crystal Palace there is no other club at Football League level and it is crying out for it."

Evans has revealed the investors are not the same group who expressed interest in buying the club at Christmas.

He said: "It is not the consortium which was around at the top of the year who we all thought was going to take control.

"They didn't complete and when it looked like they weren't going to and the club was going to be in a bit of limbo, I understand these new boys came in.

"It is great new for the club. People like the Jarmans and the Dulys will back us and it will give us stability at a time when we really need it."

Evans has warned fans the takeover does not mean the club will become Blue Square premier division big-spenders overnight.

He said: "(Former owners) The SA Group have gone and to be fair they have left us in a reasonable state, they have not left us penniless.

"The new owners are willing to invest some money but it's not going to be fortunes that people associate with takeovers.

"There is no Roman Abromovich, no shining white knight but there are a lot of people who work hard for their money and if they do invest they want to make sure they get a good return."

Evans says the new owners have already wielded their power over him following Crawley's Sussex Senior Cup semi-final on Tuesday.

Evans named a strong side in a 1-0 win over Eastbourne Borough, having previously said he would name a weakened team because he does not care about the competition.

Evans said: "I was intending to play the kids from the start but one or two of the new owners made the decision that for the sake of the fans and especially John Duly, who is back at the club, they would like us to get through to the final.

"They left the decision to me but we all have bosses and when they tell you to do something you have to do it, don't you?"

Winger Kevin James has joined Blue Square south play-off contenders Eastleigh following his release from Crawley.

James quit Broadfield Stadium last week after he was allegedly a target of racist abuse from Reds fans during a game.