Crawley boss Steve Evans believes he is being victimised by referees and has accused the FA of not condemning abuse of his family.

Evans was sent to the stand for the sixth time this season during Monday's 1-0 home defeat against Aldershot after exchanging insults with opposition assistant boss Martin Kuhl.

It came less than 48 hours after he was dismissed from the dug-out in Saturday's 1-0 reverse at Burton Albion.

Evans claims his latest dismissal came after his wife and children were abused by Kuhl, who was also sent to the stand during the Blue Square premier division clash.

Kuhl was reported to the FA earlier in the season for punching Crawley assistant Paul Raynor during an FA Cup tie at the Recreation Ground.

Evans reckons his reputation as a hot-head on the touchline has made him a target for officials and opposition coaches.

He said: "It is victimisation and it seems people have got it in for me.

"I have been subject to the vilest comments and nothing is being done about it. I'm the one who has been sent to the stand and got into trouble.

"There is no doubt there are rules for other people and rules for us. The referees are waiting to pounce and send me into the stand."

Evans is angry because his family have been subjected to abuse during games and believes the football authorities must act to stamp it out.

He added: "People wind you up and call you rubbish all the time, I don't mind that because it is part of the game. They can even get personal, it doesn't bother me.

"But when they say things about my wife and kids, that is unacceptable. My family have twice had to leave the ground this season because of personal abuse aimed at them.

"Am I as a man meant to just stand there and accept that? I have never endured such vile comments as I have this season and something has to be done.

"At Burton there were supporters smashing my family and I was told by the fourth official that it was part of the game and I should accept it.

"When the fourth official refused to intervene and I had put up with it for 70 minutes, I couldn't stand any more and that is when I reacted and I went off.

"Nothing is being done about those people and I would say that people at Soho Square are condoning people abusing my wife and kids. They are condoning the actions of others who say derogatory comments to my family."

Evans admits he may need to grow thicker skin to prevent being sent off again during the remainder of the campaign.

He said: "People have found a weakness in Steve Evans. They have seen that I have stood up to most things but I can't accept this.

"Opposition benches have seen what's happened and they talk about it and exploit it. They have seen a chink in my armour and I have to try and bolt it shut.

Evans has only been charged twice for his touchline misdemeanours. He is waiting for the outcome of an appeal on an FA charge of improper conduct following his dismissal from the dug-out during a league game against Woking in January.

Evans will be under scrutiny when Reds face Kidderminster at Broadfield Stadium tonight. Crawley are again likely to be without the injured Glenn Wilson and Dominic Shimmin, while winger Kevin James is unavailable.

Crawley: Ashley Bayes, Glenn Wilson, Bradley Thomas, Jamie Stevens, James Krause, Thomas Pinault, Tyrone Thompson, Dannie Bulman, Lee Blackburn, Jamie Cook, Jon-Paul Pittman. Subs from: Pierre Joseph-Dubois, Keiran Murphy, Mustapha Carayol, Paul Raynor, Nick Carter.

Kidderminster: Chris MacKenzie, Jeff Kenna, Gavin Hurren, Mark Creighton, Alex Jeannin, Russell Penn, Dean Bennett, Simon Russell, Darryl Knights, Matthew Barnes-Homer, Iyseden Christie.Subs from: Dean Coleman, Andy Ferrell, Paul Bignot, Brian Smikle, Michael McGrath.