Premier League action is set to continue for now.

Fixtures will NOT be postponed over Christmas, despite increasing Covid concerns.

The situation will remain under review.

Top executives at the 20 clubs met via Zoom this afternoon.

Items on the agenda included a break in fixtures and/or limited capacity at games which go ahead.


However it now appears Albion WILL host Brentford on Boxing Day and visit Chelsea a week on Wednesday to complete their 2021 programme.

A Premier League statement read: "The health and wellbeing of all concerned remains our priority and the League will continue to monitor and reflect public health guidance, always proceeding with caution.

"A range of issues were discussed at this afternoon’s meeting, including the adaption of the Premier League Covid-19 postponement process in response to the impact of the Omicron variant.

"The league also confirmed to its clubs today that 92% of players and club staff have received one, two or three Covid-19 vaccination doses, with 84% of players on the vaccination journey."