AFTER calling upon the creativity of graphic design students, the South East Local Enterprise Partnership has a new brand to help tells its important story.

The design brief for students – with the incentive of a £1,000 prize for the winner – was to devise a new brand and icons for the organisation.

Students were tasked with creating a brand that would highlight SELEP.

A total of 24 submissions were made by students from further and higher education institutions across the area with each then reviewed by the senior management team at SELEP.

Seven entries were shortlisted with four making it to the finals to be judged against industry branding standards for being distinctive, recognisable, attractive, versatile and relevant.

The winning submission was by Anastasia Pirogova, a third year student studying for an honours degree in graphic and digital design at the University of Greenwich.

Christian Brodie, chairman of SELEP, said: “This was much more than simply producing a new logo, it had to help position the organisation, partners, and work in many formats, and have clear guidelines for its use.

“Across our area we have a burgeoning community of creative businesses, and while we could have put out the brief to them, we wanted to give the opportunity to the creatives of tomorrow to show us what they could produce.

“The standard was incredibly high.”