Learn from the experts at English’s Of Brighton and create this delicious sea-food based recipe for a fabulous dinner with friends

Pan fried seabass, wild mushroom gnochi, black olives and courgettes


For the gnocchi

4 x medium sized jacket potatoes

2 x egg yolks

50g semolina

80g flour

A good pinch of salt

Ingredients for the rest of the dish

100g black olives, stoned

400g courgettes Olive oil 2 cloves crushed garlic

400g mixed fresh oyster & shitake mushrooms

4 x 180g seabass fillets, pin boned and scaled



1 Peel and cook the potatoes in boiling salted water and mash.

2 Then add the other ingredients and combine into a dough.

3 Split the dough into six equal pieces.

4 Roll into a sausage shape, and cut 1cm pillows with a sharp knife.

5 Toss into boiling salted water for three minutes or until they float.

6 Remove from the water, allow to cool, and lace with olive oil to stop them sticking together.

7 Set aside for later. You just made gnocchi!

8 Cut the olives in half.

9 Cut the courgettes into wedges.

10 Toss in olive oil & crushed garlic.

11 Roast on tray in a hot oven for ten minutes.

12 Remove and set aside when cooked.

13 Whilst this is happening, pick/shred the mushrooms.

14 Mix with the gnocchi.

15 Sautee on a high heat with olive oil until gnocchi begins to colour.

16 Remove from the pan and keep warm.

17 Using the same pan, on a medium heat, add the seabass skin side down.

18 Cook for three minutes and season the flesh with salt and pepper before turning.

19 Once turned add a generous knob of butter.

20 Place in the oven for a further 2-3 minutes to finish the cooking.

21 Assemble as per the photo.