I drive for many hours in Brighton and Hove every day and am becoming increasingly concerned at other drivers' disrespect for the law.

It seems to me you can drive with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding a mobile phone to your ear, oblivious of other drivers and pedestrians, without fear of prosecution.

The council is happy to persecute drivers with excessive permit parking and attendants on every street.

Well, how about someone doing something about them driving while on the phone before someone is injured or killed due to some driver's laziness/arrogance.

You had a great front page feature which showed drivers using phones while driving (The Argus, October 2).

Why not make it a regular feature? Humiliate them and, at the same time, carry a story of how many children have been killed as a result of such dangerous driving.

  • Joe Wheeler, Woodhouse Road, Hove