The Argus: Brighton Festival Fringe launches today

As a self-confessed geek, the exploration of breaking free from the internet world to form IRL (that's 'in real life,' for those who have a real life) connections seems both topical and original. Connection Unsecure: Continue? is the very modern love story of two people who break through the safety of their computer screens and commit to real-life emotion. A parable about loneliness, this piece of expressive theatre is a warning for the future. As the protagonists experiment with feelings of hope, anger and loss, they learn to appreciate the wholeness of communicating face-to-face, picking up on body language and the beauty and richness of the spoken word.

However, the plot is confused – it would benefit from a stronger narrative and more concentrated script. The morals of this love story, as I understood it, are that it takes courage to emotionally invest in one person, and it's better to have fewer, closer allies than hundreds of online friends. But by showing Frankie and Charlie discard all friends in order to pursue a relationship with each other, and through the warning of an exclusive and violent past relationship, its recommendations are contrary.

Izzy Mackenzie, playing Frankie, and Ben Pritchard, playing Charlie, have good chemistry, and their interactions seem genuine and honest. They're both very expressive and energetic and make full use of the stage. It's just a shame that it's hard to empathise with the characters and the plot is vague, because they are both talented and vibrant actors.