A sniper is being hunted after 17 birds were shot dead with a high-powered air rifle.

The birds were targeted around a block of flats in what investigators believe could be a sick game.

Among the birds killed were doves, pigeons and seagulls.

RSPCA investigator Tony Pritchard said: “Sometimes people target seagulls because of the noise they make.

“But it is not just seagulls. It is all sorts of birds - they are not persecuting any one bird.

“It seems to be a game for whoever is doing it.

“I don't know why they are doing it. Maybe they think it is funny but it is not.

“The birds have been shot from a distance suggesting a high-powered air rifle which could have very serious implications.”

The gunman has taken out almost all the birds in the area. On Wednesday morning two seagulls became the latest victims..

Many of the birds suffered “slow and painful deaths”, Mr Pritchard said.

He continued: “The whole area is devoid of bird life as a result which is of particular concern during the breeding season.”

The shootings took place in Durrington Gardens, Worthing, over the past three weeks.

All wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

The shooting of birds is only allowed under licence for specific purposes.

The RSPCA said people concerned about birds being pests should seek advice from their local council and not take matters into their own hands.

Anyone with information about the shootings is urged to contact the RSPCA cruelty and information line on 0300 1234 999 and leave a message for Mr Pritchard.

Calls are treated in confidence.