Disabled people in Woodingdean say that structural changes at the Downs Hotel Junction have made the crossing difficult and potentially very dangerous for them.

The changes were made at the Junction to speed up the flow of traffic especially with the coming of the Amex stadium in neighbouring Falmer. The crossroads has often been a major bottleneck causing heavy traffic jams in the area at the rush hour.

However, the changes have increased the steepness of the pavements at the side and on three occasions mobility scooters, unable to cope with the gradient and camber have slid back.

Wheelchair user Kim Waghorn said her wheelchair has great difficulty coping with the steepness and this has meant she can no longer cross the junction . “The alterations have limited my independence to get about on my own “ she said. Kim has had contact with officials at Brighton and Hove City Council as well as a meeting with local MP Simon Kirby to see what can be done.

Andrew, who uses a Mobility Scooter, said his scooter could not cope with the gradient and had rolled backwards. “Luckily there was nobody behind me and I managed to keep control of my vehicle” he said.

Pensioner Dora Tovey who lives in flats for the elderly close to the junction said she and other residents who use wheelchairs and mobility scooters were also finding it difficult to cope with the steep pavements.