Video footage of a dramatic sea rescue has been released.

Two members of Brighton Sailing Club were left stranded after one of their vessels capsized.

A crewman from one of the catamarans leapt into the water to try to turn the 16ft catamaran back over but strong winds and swell hampered their efforts.

RNLI volunteers from Brighton were called to the scene, between the city's two piers, about 11.50am on Saturday to help assist the sailors.

RNLI helmsman Mark Bell, who was wearing a headcam throughout the rescue, said: "The crew of both catamarans were clearly very experienced, in good spirits and comfortable in the conditions.

"However, as often happens, Mother Nature got the upper hand this time and a combination of the strong wind and heavy swell kept their sail pinned to the water. "I'm glad we were able to help and wish them all well."

It was part of a busy weekend for the county's lifeboat volunteers due to the high winds.

At about 1pm on Saturday the RNLI crew at Brighton were redirected to a 999 call from a woman concerned her husband had become lost at sea while surfing.

The lifeboat carried out a search of the area between Brighton's Palace Pier and Brighton Marina but found nothing.

Coastguard confirmed the man was later reported safe.

On Friday at about 11am crews from Newhaven were called to tow a 37ft catamaran with two people aboard to safety after its engine failed about nine miles off the coast.

The RNLI team reported the vessel's crew were tired after being stranded in gale force winds.