A bank worker won an award for reporting her suspicions a customer was being ripped off by a rogue trader.

Donna Gibbons, of Barclays in Devonshire Road, Bexhill, was praised by East Sussex County Council Trading Standards this week.

The customer had been visited in February by a trader who told her she needed gardening work done and drove her to the bank so she could pay in cash.

When Donna became suspicious, she called police and staff confronted the trader, who was waiting outside.

He left without getting any money.

Councillor Carl Maynard, the council’s lead member for economy, transport and environment, said: “We are calling on all bank, building society and post office staff and people coming into contact with potentially vulnerable residents to keep their eyes peeled and alert Trading Standards if they think somebody may be a victim of a rogue trader.”

The council maintains a list of approved traders.

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