HAVE other telephone users who are also pensioners suffered the indignity of reduced services for not paying a telephone bill they have never received?

Not only did I not receive a bill; I did not have a reminder nor the hint of a warning that sanctions would be involved.

I was refused pension funds at the Post Office. Only when I rang to query this did I learn that the Post Office had imposed sanctions because I had not paid a bill that – to this day – I haven’t received.

This is a bitter irony, coming at a time when I learn that I am to receive an award for 25 years’ service with Brighton and Hove City Council.

The importance of a telephone service for the elderly needs no stressing, but the service needs to be aware of the courtesy that should be afforded to those who have always paid their bills regularly but have clearly not received one in one instance.

Some tactful enquiries should be made before heavy-handed sanctions are imposed without a word of warning.

Colin Morgan, Portland Road, Hove