WHILE I agree with Gemma Butler that a minister for older people has long been required (Letters, June 20), the current minister responsible for pensioners is the Work and Pensions Minister – a role, in my opinion, representing the two different ends of the scale.

However, the National Pension Convention (NPC), the largest independent organisation representing pensioners, has long fought for this same project in the name of an English Commissioner responsible for older people.

For some obscure reason, Parliament has appointed one for Wales and Northern Ireland, but not for England.

For pensioners or senior citizens, it does not help its own case when the above are represented by several different organisations.

You know the old saying: “Divide and rule”.

In fact, some older people’s organisations are establishment-founded which, in my opinion, takes away independence and reduces the case for such an organisation.

I think the NPC is the strongest independent organisation with a pension charter which would be better served if all the above senior citizens got behind and supported this organisation.

By all means sign this petition [detailed in Gemma Butler’s letter of June 20] but expect a negative response from both politicians and the media.

James Greed, Wheatfield Way, Moulsecoomb