A man who turned to drink after his best friend was murdered has been given the chance to turn his life around.

Gary Stoner, 44, was left devastated after close pal Jon Ellison was found dead in his Brighton flat in April.

Detectives said Mr Ellison had suffered some of the worst injuries they had ever seen during a vicious beating at the ground floor flat in Gloucester Place.

Stoner's life has also been blighted by the death of his grandmother last year and by his girlfriend walking out on him six weeks ago.

He had managed to stop drinking and had kept out of trouble for three years before the series of tragedies overcame him.

He was caught trying to steal two bottles of wine from Morrisons in St James's Street after going back on the bottle again.

Martina Sherlock, prosecuting, said Stoner was arrested for shoplifting in Morrisons in March.

She added: “He admitted when interviewed that he wanted more alcohol but did not have any money.

“He said he went into the store and hid one bottle of wine up his sleeve and the other in a pocket before leaving without paying.”

Stoner, of Swanborough Place, Whitehawk, admitted theft and breaching two earlier conditional discharges for being drunk and disorderly.

Trina Little, defending, said Stoner had been devastated by the loss of his grandmother who had been like a mother to him.

She added: “His health deteriorated as a result and then in April a very good friend of his was murdered.

“Six weeks ago he split up with his girlfriend and he admits that in times of trouble he turns to alcohol.”

She said Stoner had made every effort to get help for his alcohol problem and had organised himself a place on a residential treatment programme due to start later this month.

Miss Little added: “He has waited 11 months for this place and is trying to turn his life around through his own efforts.”

Stoner was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and was ordered to pay £85 costs.