A have-a-go hero sat on a suspected thief for five minutes until police arrived.

Estate agent Alex Granger rugby tackled and pinned the man down after watching him take a briefcase from the front seat of an Audi convertible parked outside his office.

The 24-year-old, of Kendrick Property Services, in Edward Street, Brighton, and the car’s owner Claire Sherwood, gave chase, before tackling him near George Street.

Alex, of Ashdown Avenue, Saltdean, said: “It was very dramatic but I felt quite happy with what I'd done.

“Claire got her briefcase back and that's the important thing. Everyone's been calling me a hero.”

Alex said he leapt into action yesterday morning because he is a colleague of Mrs Sherwood, a domestic energy assessor for Sherwood Solicitors, which works closely with Kendrick.

Mother-of-two Mrs Sherwood, 31, said: “Alex really is a hero – if I'd lost my briefcase I would have had to re-do two weeks' worth of work.”

Alex's boss, lettings director Nikki Gilson, said: “We're so proud of him that he's a bit embarrassed now. But it was such a brave thing to do and he's our hero.”

Terry Olsen, 31, of Grand Parade, Brighton, was due to appear at Brighton Magistrates’ Court yesterday afternoon charged with theft.