Twenty20 is touted as the short form of cricket.

But the sport’s bosses were left a little red in the face when these dancers apparently left their shorts at home.

The images, which were taken during Sussex Sharks’ successful start to the defence of their title against Somerset, were beamed into living rooms across the country.

Between shots of Luke Wright breaking his bat and James Kirtley charging in to bowl, the Sky cameras switched to pictures of the scantily clad dance troupe entertaining the packed crowd in Hove.

Now the English Cricket Board has waded into the “short-gate” row to remind clubs that the game is family entertainment.

In an email sent round the Twenty20 league on Wednesday, Sally Brooks, the ECB's T20 Events Manager, said: “Just a suggestion for those of you who are providing dancers at your matches, please remember this is a family competition and costumes for the dancers need to reflect this - the shorts worn by the dancers at Sussex last night were a little too short(!).

“In all seriousness please check your dancers are dressed suitably - I'm not advising they cover up completely, just tastefully - that way, if you've got a TV match, there's more chance of Sky featuring them!”

Dave Brooks, the club’s chief executive, said: “When I looked out of my office and window and saw what the dancers were wearing I did think that they were rather revealing.

“They will be coming back for our other T20 matches but they will be wearing more substantial and less revealing shorts.”

What do you think?