An antiques “knocker boy” has been jailed for ten months for tricking a pensioner out of her jewellery.

Lee Collins, 43, of Dyke Road Avenue, Brighton, claimed his 88-year-old victim was confused and sold him her treasures willingly.

But she had refused his attempts to smooth-talk her and he simply snatched them when her back was turned.

Collins had advertised himself as Westdene Galleries and hired a company to provide him with a London telephone number.

In fact he worked from his Brighton home and had previous convictions for theft and burglary.

Collins had called on Josephine Cutcliffe at her home in Warsash, Southampton, in February last year.

He asked if she had any old books and, thinking he was from a local bookshop, she invited him in.

She refused to sell a treasured necklace and earring set passed from her grandmother but Collins simply grabbed them when she was not looking.

He denied the theft but was convicted after a trial at Portsmouth Crown Court.