In response to various comments (Letters, July 13 & 25), with regards to the Target TB songwriting competition, the Songfactor team spent many hours deliberating on the age-related issue of the song-writing competition for 2006.

The competition was originally aimed at school children but subsequently expanded to include those for whom the disease and issues around tuberculosis (TB) might be a new concept.

At the core of the campaign is the need to raise awareness of TB in younger people.

There was no question of being ageist but some restrictions had to be imposed.

Target Tuberculosis, the charity which is promoting and fundraising with these awards, is a very small organisation and, this year, would be unable to manage the tens of thousands of entries likely with no parameters. Please note none of our songwriting judges is aged between 15 and 30.

Next year, of course, we hope to build on this already very successful competition and reach a wider group of entrants.

The competition's closing date is September 30, when the judging will start, so if you are aged between 15 and 30 and want to win £3,000 of musical or recording equipment competing against the smallest population of entrants there will ever be, get your entry in now.

Further information can be found on

-The Songfactor Target TB team, Worthing