I read with interest about the policeman with multiple sclerosis who is carrying on as normal as possible with this condition (The Argus, July 15).

Well done, PC Gary Dimmock. What makes me cross is how MS is always described in newspaper articles as "life threatening".

This is not the case. If anyone is interested, they can go to www.mssociety.org.uk and read the facts.

It says: "MS is not a terminal illness.

"However, it is an incurable lifelong condition so once you have it, you have it for life.

"Like everyone else, you are most likely to die from natural causes and can expect to have a relatively normal life span."

I have had MS for 17 years. If you manage your condition properly, your good days can outdo the bad.

So if you are newly diagnosed, please do some research and speak to others who have experience of this condition.


I moved to Brighton from Oxford recently and find it a marvellous place to live - the city of dreaming spires bears no comparison.

The people are so friendly and the multitude of buses make it easy to get around. I love the grand Regency architecture contrasting with run-down shops selling wildly eccentric goods - and Brighton girls have a style all of their own.

The range of activities is mind-blowing and the beach provides endless fun just people watching - are Brightonians specially designed to lie on pebbles without feeling pain?

My neighbourhood is remarkably quiet for the centre of Kemp Town - except for the seagulls. I am told they can live for 30 years.

At the rate they're breeding, unless the city takes action quickly, we shall soon be overrun.

-Sonya Mills, Brighton