Crime Reduction Initiative (CRI) is a charity which works with enforcement agencies, local authorities, health services and the voluntary sector to support individuals in criminal justice and community settings.

Its services target many core social issues, including crime, anti-social behaviour, substance misuse, domestic violence and lack of opportunity for young people.

The new Brighton and Hove Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service at Vantage Point, Brighton, (The Argus, July 10) shows what can be achieved by partnership between agencies in the city.

Waiting times for vital drug treatment have fallen from 11 weeks to seven days and the numbers attending structured day care have doubled to 71 since the service opened in April.

Staff estimate they will treat 1,000 people this year, including 450 drug-addicted offenders.

This will make a huge difference to the lives of individual drug users, reducing drug deaths and crime, making the community safer and reducing the fear of crime in the city.

-Nicholas Reeves, vice-chair, Board of Trustees CRI, Tower Point, North Road, Brighton