Your front page article, "Let's not ask the families" (The Argus, June 8), was based on a hoax document. The sentence quoted in the article, which was used to attack Brighton and Hove City Council's integrity, was not written by anyone within the council.

It was added by a member of the parent stakeholder group set up to act as a sounding board during the review.

That person has now resigned from the group.

It is sad a local authority which is trying honestly to do a very difficult job to the best of its ability should be subject to such unnecessary abuse.

Getting the school admissions system right is notoriously difficult and it is impossible to please everyone.

Our guiding principle for the review has been to achieve a system which is fairer than the present one, particularly for the areas of the city which do not have a secondary school nearby.

The thoughtless actions of certain individuals do nothing to help us achieve such an outcome.

-David Hawker, director of Children's Services, Brighton and Hove City Council