For years, the northern end of Hove Park has been an oasis with a large sweep of grass and beautiful trees.

As the surrounding area has become increasingly invaded by glass, steel and stone it, has been one of the few relatively natural areas.

I am horrified to see man has now decided to put his ugly footprint on one of our few remaining open spaces.

The turf has been dug into concentric circles and, I learn, a permanent stone "sculpture" is to be placed on one of those sweeps of open land to aid, we are told, meditation.

Please leave it alone. All we want is an ordinary park, with trees and grass, where children can play football and people can enjoy a walk.

We do not need thousands of pounds spent imposing more of man's mark on our landscape. There are enough trees and acres of green if we want to meditate without more urban creep. Take it away and give us back our grass.

-Berni Bannier, Hove