Residents are fighting to stop the multimillion pound expansion of a golf course because they say the scheme would destroy their only piece of green space.

They fear toilets and kitchens would be built only yards from their back gardens and wildlife wiped out if plans to revitalise Benfield Valley Golf Course in Hove are passed by Brighton and Hove City Council.

The directors, who took over the lease a year-and-a-half ago, hope to transform the once-neglected site. A Grade II listed barn and outbuildings would be restored to create overnight accommodation, a wedding venue, exhibition space, a cafe and restaurant.

A covered driving range, new reception area, shop, changing rooms, training pool and tennis courts and all-weather sports pitches, which would be used by local schools, are also proposed. But residents have reacted with horror to the plans.

Teacher Graham Jordan, 56, of Worcester Villas, Hove, said: "Everybody I have spoken to is appalled and I have heard several petitions have been put together.

"The wildlife there is wonderful, there are badger sets and several species of lizards."

Ward councillor for Hangleton and Knoll Dawn Barnett will speak against the application, which is recommended for refusal, when it is considered by the city council's planning committee on June 28.

Laxley Pennant, co-director, said lots of residents had welcomed the plans when they were presented at a public meeting.

He said: "As a matter of law we have to ensure noise is kept to reasonable levels or we will be closed down."

He added: "The majority of the development is reinstating the buildings which were already there."

Friday, June 16, 2006