Electro excitement is set to hit The Freebutt with London headliners Luxembourg celebrating a new single release - We Only Stayed Together For The Kids - on DogBox Records.

There is a bit of a buzz brewing around this lot, who have been described as "Roxy Music giving Pulp a hand with the washing up", and "a flash of colour in a monochrome world".

Their passionate tales of ordinary life have been underground soul food for a generation of indie kids starved of music of any depth, says frontman David Luxembourg.

"There are loads of skinny-trousered, NME bands, and then there is the chart fodder, but there's not much in between. We have a unique sound. We go against the grain.

"Our sound is possibly a bit unfashionable with a mix of synthesisers and electric guitars but it's about real life and people really respond to it.

"It's the fans who have kept us together for six years," he adds.

"That's what We Only Stayed Together For The Kids is about. On one level it's about the breakdown of a relationship, but on another it is about us as a band banging our heads against a brick wall but sticking with it."

For despite their popularity, with a large and loyal fanbase sweating at the front of every gig, Luxembourg have been largely ignored by the major record industry. So in true indie spirit they are doing it for themselves, recording and releasing records on DogBox. A testament to the devotion they inspire, the label was initially set up by two fans who left a Lux gig in sheer disbelief they couldn't buy the band's music.

"They loved it so much," says David, "they decided to create their own label and sign us. "Now we pretty much run the label ourselves. We are just about to release a great compilation called Blue Skies Up which features 16 great, undiscovered bands - bands like us, that really should be bigger than they are."

Lyrical depth is key to Luxembourg's songs. David, who teaches English Literature parttime at an adult college says: "I certainly appreciate poetry and good books, all of us do. I think it's really valuable to give people more than just one superficial reading in a song.

"I like the idea that if you keep scratching the surface of a lyric you find layer upon layer of meaning. That's the joy of it. The more you listen, the more you find.

"Not many bands bother but for me it's not enough to say, 'Baby, I love you'."

Starts at 8pm. Tickets cost £5/£4. Call 01273 603974.