I thought I would send one last letter from Brighton.

If all goes to plan on June 15, I will have moved out of Brighton.

Up to now, I have spent all of my life here and expected to remain for the rest but my wife and I have decided the time is right to go.

Brighton has changed so much in the past two decades - but not for the better as I see it.

It is not the welcoming place I remember as a child, when you could go anywhere at any time.

Successive councils have slowly eroded its feeling of welcome.

When we achieved city status it was going to be the greatest place on the South Coast. Not so.

As a car driver, I am most unwelcome in the city, despite having paid rates, poll tax and council tax for more than fifty years.

I receive no better treatment than anybody else - in fact, I am treated far worse than travellers.

They appear to be able to park wherever they want, for as long as they want, free of charge, and then my tax goes to pay to clear up the mess they leave behind.

As you know, I have always had an opinion on most things and I will always say what I think. But it is just my view, which may be right or wrong. Who knows?

On the one hand, I am quite sad to be leaving Brighton but, on the other, it will be a new start which I am looking forward to.

Cheerio but not goodbye to all at The Argus because, as soon as I am settled into my new house, which is not far away, I will no doubt have things to say about the neighbourhood and local councillors there.

-John Plowman, Woodingdean