The many high-profile modern developments in Brighton and Hove - the "Brighton Eye" tower on the seafront by the West Pier, the proposed redevelopment of the King Alfred Centre, the stalled stadium at Falmer and the marina skyscraper - are receiving a lot of opposition.

I would like to ask the objectors: If they had been alive at the time of the building of the Brighton Pavilion, would they have objected to that, too?

I say this as there appears to be a ground swell of extremely vocal NIMBYs ("not in my back yard"-ers) who, it appears, want us all to go back to the days when ladies wore crinoline skirts and men wandered around in cravats and frock coats.

Judging by some of the letters, I don't know why developers bother with Brighton and Hove.

It seems such a great hassle to build anything.

Perhaps they should look at Bournemouth, where people seem to take progress and embrace it, as opposed to the "pressure groups" in our fair city.

-Dave Wilcock, Mile Oak