Nigel Smetham from Southern Water endeavours to reassure us the health authority will fully consult the public before fluoridation of water supplies and we should join in that consultation.

Suppose there is a majority for fluoridation or a lot of people don't join in the consultation?

Does this mean the rest of us who know the facts will have it forced on us?

Suppose just one person was against it, would Mr Smetham be happy to override that individual's right to refuse medication?

We do have a choice about medicines and a human right to decline them.

Fluoridation of water supplies would illegally remove that right.

Its effect cannot be accurately measured, as we all drink different amounts of water and some are already absorbing fluoride through toothpaste - but, even at one part per million, there is no margin for safety.

Mass medication of this kind should not even be considered.

-Mike Airey, Poynings