Campaigners have vowed to win the fight against proposals to downgrade their hospital, which could mean the loss of the accident and emergency department.

Protesters gathered outside Eastbourne Town Hall yesterday to demonstrate against plans for Eastbourne District General Hospital (DGH) They held signs which read: "Eastbourne needs our DGH".

Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority is reviewing health services throughout the county as part of efforts to save millions of pounds.

A document outlining possible options includes downgrading Worthing Hospital, Eastbourne District General Hospital and St Richards Hospital in Chichester into general hospitals which would mean the loss of their A&E departments.

The authority insists nothing has been decided and there will be a full public consultation in the autumn.

The meeting yesterday was organised by the Eastbourne Downs Primary Care Trust, which also promised no decisions had yet been made.

It said it was listening to the concerns of the public.

Eastbourne MP Nigel Waterson stood alongside the protesters and said: "It was a very dignified protest to remind the NHS authorities of the very strong feelings around here about the possible cuts in services."

Monica Corrina-Kavakli, 32, of Tideswell Road, Eastbourne, co-organiser of the demonstration, said:

"We represent the community and we need to save our hospital.

"We are a growing town and it is crazy to think of getting rid of these services."