All year, Brighton and Hove City Council flies a flag above the town hall which represents the gay community - at best, one in ten of the population.

Now, because of the World Cup, there is a chance for it to fly a flag which represents the majority.

Every other car flies the red cross of St George. It flutters from Indian and Chinese restaurants and represents everyone who chooses to live in this country, wherever they were born, whatever their sexual tendencies.

I am proud to be both British and English. I am equally proud of the Union Jack, which the council is now flying, and the flag of St George, which the council is conspicuously not flying.

But the next few weeks belong to the English so would the council please run down the Union Flag and run up the flag of St George so all our community can get behind the team beneath that flag.

Come on, Brighton and Hove City Council. Remember the many who fought for freedom so you now have the liberty to choose which flag you want to fly over your town hall. Show a little of the courage those Englishmen showed in the past. Make it the right choice.

-WH Wilson, Hove