A farmer yesterday spoke of his shock at discovering more than 100 of his animals stolen.

Dozens of rabbits, ducks, geese and their young were taken from hutches at The Farmyard, Whitesmith, near Lewes, an open farm where children can pet the animals.

Owner Peter Cottingham said he could not believe his eyes when he went to open the small animal centre on Monday.

He said: "I just don't understand why someone would do this. It has taken years for us to gather all those animals and now they are all gone. We will have to start all over again."

The centre allows visitors to hold and stroke the animals. Mr Cottingham said, although they could be replaced, it would be a long time before they were comfortable being handled.

The farm's special attraction was that it allowed children to hold eggs as they hatched and new chicks emerged.

Mr Cottingham said: "It's very unfair on the people who visit the farm. We still have larger animals for them to see but petting the small animals was a major part of the attraction."

Sixty ducklings, chicks and goslings were stolen along with 24 rabbits, 18 guinea pigs, six quail and 20 ducks, geese and hens. Mr Cottingham said their value was around £1,300 and added that it would increase when the young animals reached maturity.

Thieves, who would have needed a van for their haul, broke into the farm outbuilding during Sunday night after crossing a field and breaking through a rear door.

They ripped doors off hutches and pulled off wiring, causing £500 damage.

None of the carrying equipment in the centre was taken and Mr Cottingham said the thieves would have needed to bring their own to move the animals.

He said: "I just hope whoever has them will not harm them." Police at Hailsham appealed for any information.