"Whatever you paid tonight, you got your money's worth," said Young Knives bassist House Of Lords.

It was a tellingly accurate appraisal given his band could easily have been supporting the compelling multi-instrumental antics of The Immediate, who preceded them on the bill during this snapshot of hyperactive post-punk.

Borrowing their dress sense from the Blues Brothers and a bunch of schoolkids and nodding to the pounding thuds of The Futureheads musically, Young Knives' shouty, anthemic tendencies chugged every last drop out of guitars and drums.

This blueprint occasionally risked formulaic predictability but in turn proved splendidly danceable and probably capable of filling a vaster venue.

The trio's bespectacled, double-chinned refusal to become "the next piss weak MOR band for music industry morons" shone through during the tumultuous rumble of tracks such as Weekends And Bleak Days.