Way back in 1970, no one was surprised when the Eurovision Song Contest was won by a shy girl called Dana - just 17, delicate as porcelain, and singing sweetly about wedding bells and wishing wells in her song All Kinds Of Everything.

Who could have predicted that, 36 years later, the winners would be satanic-style rockers in Latex masks?

That is, however, what happened, with Finnish group Lordi and their heavy-metal entry Hard Rock Hallelujah achieving the most points ever (292) in the contest's history.

Previous entrants, such as Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson, who came second in 1959 with Sing Little Birdie, must have recoiled with shock watching Lordi's brand of mock-satanic monster rock.

Would-be contestants for 2007 must be pacing their floors and scratching their heads with despondency as they wonder what to come up with next. Daz Sampson, the UK's entry, also tried something different for 2006, but only made it to number 19 on the scoreboard.

Will the contest now become a monster rocker's paradise?

Or could we see a return to the grassroots with songs like Ronnie Carroll's 1963 Say Wonderful Things?

I love the golden oldies but what would other people choose?

-Michael Parker, Brighton