The article "Minister to look at A&E rumours" (The Argus, June 8) is overly alarmist.

The NHS is not secretly considering nine options for the configuration of health services across the region.

What we have done is publish a discussion document, "Creating an NHS fit for the future", to encourage debate about how to improve care for patients and to ensure we spend taxpayers' money in the best way to benefit the most people.

Part of this discussion is about potential scenarios for the best care locally and the MPs are referring to presentational slides they have seen about these.

These scenarios are not fully developed options. They simply provide a platform for further debate in the coming months.

We have been very clear. We want to encourage alternative views and ideas about how to improve care for patients and we want people to be involved in these discussions from an early stage.

The NHS has begun a discussion with local people and has organised a series of events across Surrey and Sussex.

Decisions will not be made without public scrutiny.

The discussion phase will inform any proposals. If there are proposals for significant service change, then there will be full public consultation in the autumn.

We would encourage your readers to take part in this debate.

Further details about events taking place across the region can be obtained from the following website: or by contacting Steve Phoenix on 01903 708 659 (for West Sussex), Debbie Bamford on 01323 747 725 (for East Sussex) and John James on 01273 295 481 (for Brighton and Hove).

-Candy Morris, chief executive, Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority