I attended the Dump the Dump meeting held last Thursday at Downs Infants School.

With one child currently at the school and another soon to start, I naturally have grave concerns about the dump proposals but, much more than that, I have grave concerns about the integrity of Brighton and Hove City Council, should this plan be approved.

This may be a city reliant on tourism but it is nothing without its residents.

The infrastructure of new development is unsustainable without the support of local people and their families and I feel the council is showing us nothing but contempt by adopting a refuse management deal driven by profit.

The apparent contradiction in the council's approach to development beggars belief: "We can all applaud the new library and its forward thinking design. Why, then, can we not be proud of the council's approach to waste disposal?"

Why can the council not be more imaginative and responsible in an age of global warming?

The proposed plan, including the Newhaven incinerator, will increase carbon emissions to unsustainable levels. With carbon taxes soon to be imposed on councils and businesses, who will pay?

We will, I'm afraid. With our children's health and increased council tax, we will all be paying for this outdated, polluting mess.

At present, this crisis only seems to be involving people in the area immediately around the site - but it should be of concern to all residents of Brighton and Hove. This is not the future we want for our children.

There are greener alternatives to this kind of waste disposal and the council has a duty to its residents, especially its children, to take us proudly in that direction.

It would be great to have the support of everyone, including those who believe it doesn't concern them because it isn't on their doostep, at the planning meeting on June 19 and it would be great to have the full support of The Argus in promoting a greener future.

-Zara Holtom, Brighton