Stress is causing more than half of men in Brighton and Hove to feel anxious or depressed, according to a survey.

Research for Men's Health Week found 53 per cent of men in the city suffer moderate or extreme stress at least once a week, making them feel depressed or anxious.

There are more stressed men in Brighton and Hove than in London, where only 48 per cent said they suffered regularly.

Almost a quarter suffer stress several times a week or every day, triggered by work or study in more than half of cases.

Money worries were the next biggest cause of stress followed by relationship problems.

According to the survey 31 per cent of men suffering stress or anxiety in Brighton and Hove turn to alcohol and smoking.

Another 14 per cent turned to binge eating and four per cent admitted to using illicit drugs.

Almost half of sufferers said stress, depression and anxiety left them feeling drained.

Almost a quarter of men said they would not seek help from their doctors because of the stigma of admitting stress was affecting their mental health.

Only eight per cent would talk to their employers.

National Men's Health Week is being organised by the Men's Health Forum.

Chief executive Peter Baker said: "For many men common mental health problems are impacting on their lives.

"We're particularly concerned to find one man in three with stress, depression or anxiety in the UK says feeling embarrassed or ashamed would stop him seeking help."