The Adur Theatre Company has certainly picked a winner for the Adur festival, judging not only by the reaction of the first-night audience but also from the fact ticket sales have broken box office records.

All the characters from the popular TV show are in the play and the cast strive hard to bring them to life in this mixture of farce and pantomime.

The main burden falls on David Frost as Rene, the hapless cafe patron who acts as narrator, forever confiding in the audience.

He gives an extremely comic performance, as does Jill Edith, who plays his wife with great gusto. However, the scene-stealer of the evening is Will Hackett as the delightfully underplayed, camp Lt Gruber.

Although the play has many hilarious scenes, the script would benefit from some judicious editing. Scenes often peter out, lacking good punchlines.

Until June 10, 01273 593080