Bare breasts, bottoms and other delicate bits of anatomy were exposed to scorching sunshine during a naked cycle protest against cars and oil.

More than 100 protesters stripped off on Saturday, but amid police warnings of arrest covered their naughtiest parts with a variety of creative garments including socks, wigs, body paint, leaves and St George's Cross flags.

It was the first time Brighton had staged The World Naked Bike Ride.

Participants assembled at The Level to begin the seven-mile ride around Brighton and Hove via the Palace Pier, the Royal Pavilion, Churchill Square, Hove Town Hall and the West Pier before finishing two hours later at Black Rock.

The international event, held in about 40 cities, was organised to highlight oil dependency and the vulnerability of cyclists on the roads, while also celebrating the human body.

Although the spectacle gave many cause to smile, police said public indecency was no laughing matter, forcing some cyclists to cover up their private parts.

However, when one policeman's back was turned a female participant stripped off and bared all in cheeky defiance of the law.

Another covered her nether regions with signs stating: "Rude bits".

Emma Cole, 27, from Brighton, opted for bright orange body paint to preserve her modesty. The dance teacher said: "It was an impulsive decision to go orange. I've never done anything like this before and it offered a bit of protection.

"We arrived dressed and took our clothes off here, but it was really liberating, positive and natural."

Student Genevieve Collier, 35, from Brighton, said: "Most of us would be naked but the police said we had to cover up because they had complaints.

"Their interpretation of the law has changed the nature of the protest slightly.

"But if we can make one more person abandon the car then so much the better."

Lawyer Sarah Lisa Howe, 37, from Hastings, had two England car flags covering her bottom and a St George bumper stickers over her breasts.

She said: "This wasn't planned and I haven't done anything like this before. My mum will be shocked."

Italian Ottavio Pedretti, 43, from Portslade, opted to go completely naked with no suncream.

But shortly after stripping off he was approached by police.

He said: "They threatened me with arrest so I borrowed a sock. "I feel very strongly about censorship."