I was interested to read Des Turner's remarks regarding Defend Council Housing (Letters, June 7).

I wonder if he recalls some years ago, when Margaret Thatcher was still prime minister, how the Conservatives then wanted to sell off housing council stocks to private landlords?

There was massive opposition not only from tenants but also from the Labour-led Brighton Council and the plan fell through.

One of the principle reasons was there would have been lack of security of tenancy but, strangely, Labour has now completely reversed its position and want a stock transfer of council homes.

In my opinion, Brighton and Hove City Council does its very best but what is needed is direct investment by the Labour Government so all tenants feel safe and secure in their homes.

This transfer project the Government is pursuing must be costing millions - money which surely would be far more appropriately spent improving the homes.

However, it will soon be election time and we will be able to express our opinions via the ballot box.

-John Ovenden, Brighton