As it now seems generally agreed that John Prescott's misconceived plans to concrete over much of the South-East of England is another of the disastrous aspects of his ministerial tenure which, thankfully, came to an end last month, does Brighton and Hove City Council have the courage to abandon the King Alfred development plan?

Surely there is now a real danger water supplies to existing taxpayers in this part of Hove will be under serious threat if this scheme goes ahead.

Instead of prevaricating any longer, the council should abandon the project, stop wasting taxpayers' money on this ill-starred scheme and reinstate the existing King Alfred complex into full operational condition.

If our elected representatives cannot see the rationale in this, it is to be hoped Southern Water will consider carefully whether it can maintain the current water supply to existing and future residents of the city.

It should only agree to connect water to the proposed King Alfred flats if its obligations to its existing customers can be indefinitely maintained.

While giving this matter careful thought, Southern Water should also develop coin-operated water meters.

These should be installed into all new dwellings to ensure occupiers pay in advance for the water and sewage services they use.

-Peter Coates, Kingsway, Hove