A high street will be revamped to cut down traffic speeds.

The improvements in Billingshurst, are estimated to cost £400,000 and will be paid for through developer contributions.

The aim is to make life more pleasant for pedestrians and encourage more people into the main shopping area.

The main improvements will be along the High Street between East Street and the A272 and Jengers Mead to the north. The section will have a 20mph speed limit, widened pavements and a Puffin crossing.

Other features will include cycle racks, seats, block paving, a bus shelter, lighting with hanging baskets and electrical fittings for Christmas lights.

At the northern end, the bus layby will be removed to provide space to serve as a new focal point.

Two mini-roundabouts will be created to form gateways to the 20mph zone at the East Street and Jengers Mead junctions with High Street.

The improvements, starting on June 26, are the final phase of traffic calming in the village that followed the opening of the Billingshurst bypass in 1999.

Monday, June 12, 2006